Tuesday 25 October 2011

Signs that Your Woman is Cheating on You

Everyone knows that men cheat all the time. It’s almost like it’s in their DNA or something. If it’s genetic, they just can’t help themselves, right?  While that’s probably a lot of nonsense, something else to consider is that women also cheat. They may not cheat quite as much as men, but they DO step out on their men for various reasons. Sometimes they’re better at hiding it than their cheating male counterparts, though. There are signs, however, that you can look for if you think your woman may be cheating on you.

They include:

Accusing YOU of cheating: This is a way of diverting the guilt from herself to you. Even worse, is if you’ve cheated on her before, she may give herself permission to get even with you by cheating. Either way, she knows what she’s done and figures that you may be doing the same thing. 

Starting to look her best when she goes out: When you notice your partner suddenly dressing to the nines when she’s supposedly going grocery shopping or to the gym, you may want to investigate why she needs to look so gorgeous. 

Telling you she needs some space: While this doesn’t always mean she’s cheating, it can mean that she wants you out of the way so she’ll be free to meet a lover. 

Hinting that she’s not happy: If your partner is telling you things like she needs more romance in her life, and that she loves things like getting flowers and love notes, you need to take her seriously. You see, if YOU don’t hear what she’s telling you, someone ELSE WILL. 

Making a new best friend that you’ve never met: In this case, it’s not so much that she’s made a new best friend and you’ve never met this friend, it’s that she’s suddenly spending lots of time with this new friend. In addition, she always has an excuse for why it’s not a good time to meet her. 

Changing her plans at the very last minute: For example, she’s gone out for a night on the town with the new best friend that you’ve never met and calls you around midnight with some excuse for why she’s just going to crash at her friend’s place for the night. 

Your friends are telling you she’s cheating: Of course you don’t want to believe something like that, and she’s told you it’s not true. However, if more than one person tells you they know she’s cheating, it’s probably true. 

Suddenly wanting to keep close tabs on you: When your woman is cheating on you, she needs to make sure that she’s not likely to run into you while she’s doing it.

Making excuses for not having sex: This should be a huge red flag, especially if she was always raring to go in the past. Now, all of a sudden, she’s too tired, doesn’t feel well, or has the most frequent and longest periods in history.

Has no interest in the relationship: She probably doesn’t care enough to even argue with you anymore.
You may think that these are all pretty obvious signs of cheating but you would be surprised at how many of them that men actually miss.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

How to Tell if He’s Mr. Wrong

Finding Mr. Right ? Sometimes it’s hard to see that it’s Mr. Wrong you’re having a drink with. While some of the signs are rather obvious, there are other ones that sort of get bypassed until it’s almost too late.

Keep a look out for these signs that he’s Mr. Wrong:

  • He talks about all the strange sex he’s had through the years and then tells you that he’s so happy you live nearby because now the two of you can get together for casual sex. (Seriously?)
  • He mentions during conversation that you look so young, and then quickly follows that with how much he loves young girls. (Should you leave immediately or call the cops?)

  • You’re in bed with an older, European man and having a pretty good time. Suddenly, you realize he’s wearing panties. He might just be kinky or he might be sleazy. (Since it’s hard to tell, you may want to use your intuition.)

  • So you’re out with a guy at a theme park and he wins a huge stuffed animal. You think he should give it to you or to some little kid but he petulantly refuses and carries it around the rest of the day. The stuffed animal has its own seat between you on the plane going home. (What a big baby!)

  • He’s got a low class job that he’s been doing because it’s fun for several years, yet he seems to always have plenty of money. It’s a good chance that he’s doing something shady on the side.

  • (You don’t need to take any chances with this one.)What about the guys that want to control everything you do? For example, he instructs you on the “correct” way to hold your knife and fork while you eat and demands that you start eating “his” way.

  • (Just because he’s from another country doesn’t mean his way is the only way.)On your first date, he takes you to dinner along with his mother. (Sure, a man needs to love his mother, but this feels more like a Mommy’s Boy.)

  • He actually POUTS when he doesn’t get his way. (Do you WANT to be in a relationship with a child?)

  • He makes snide remarks about all of your friends, and he’s not even all that careful about them not hearing him. (He’s already trying to control you by alienating you from your friends. This is sort of scary.)
Some of these are obvious and others aren’t so obvious. That’s why you need to pay close attention in the beginning when you’re dating someone new. If you notice something that seems a bit “off,” don’t assume that it’s nothing and that you’re just overreacting. That’s rarely the case. Keep in mind that when you’re able to spot Mr. Wrong early on, you won’t waste any more time on him when you could be out searching for Mr. Right. Do yourself a favor and don’t let new guys get away with anything that bothers you or makes you unhappy.

6 Fool-proof ways to improve your online dating profile

In love - as in the life - image issues a lot. When you set up or change of your online dating profile, is it wise, to present themselves in the best (and safest) light. How will you questions? Simply follow our six steps.

Hey man, nice shot

Smile and have a look at the camera. Select a photo that does not include other people, the huge bug eye sunglasses you love or pound makeup. Keep in mind - your appointments you want to see. What does not work, according to researchers at the much OKCupid dating site announced: a flirty look on both sexes in the search path from the camera - probably to someone else. And keep in mind that generate excessive cleavage and drunken party shots a lot of feedback, but probably not the way you look.

(Not) Lie to me

The truth is, many people exaggerate their profiles - usually on height, weight, and income, but also about things such as age, marital status and as the last, that "most recently used" photo was taken. The temptation, fib is understandable, but unproductive. Lies finds out whether at your first meeting if you are looking 10 years older and 6 cm shorter than your online itself... or later show up if you are involved with someone and the stakes are higher. You do not use self or from your travel details - for this kind of grief.

Quirky vs. creepy

Mention your passions - that is, how well start talks. But stop to examine how potential data interpret what you say for a second. Horror and suspense movies love is fine. Say you've watched silence of the lambs 300 time could scare away some people. Save that for later in your real relationship, when your partner from experience knows that you are a healthy and stable person who happens, Hannibal Lecter really dig Anthony Hopkins'.

Avoid Oversharing

A tech talk with alien is basically online-dating. And while online, to find partners, it is safe to assume most people assume that there are always some who are bent on damage go. Be careful what you post, even if you think that it give away everything. If a potential date has your last name and you mention that you have a house in a certain city, for example, he or she could get creative and look roles (the public) in the online tax, your address, find out how much you for your home page, etc. Pay. From there it is a fast here click a satellite picture of your home, yard to see Google, and maybe your car. Protect yourself by minimal personal details serving until someone you know well and have taken more than once personally.

Take it easy

If you can communicate a gift for writing and irony, it's pretty corny set row. Most of us however is best to avoid it something for that, which seem pretentious or crude - or simply not translate also outside the context. It's hard to read people's party intend online – we see not your facial expressions or hear, that your tone of voice - so "where I have all your life been?" hilarious to you but to someone else harmful seem like. As soon as you discover your potential dates in real life, you can have this stupid flag fly. But first you have to make it so they play cool for now.

Seriously, people

How cheesy lines, can make too much kidding around in your profile think suitors (or suit EBS) a joke check online dating. No one likes it, fun, to make or have wasted their time, so people show that they are there, because you are really looking for love. If you are not sure whether your is careless to approach about too much, ask a friend for the detection of your profile and provide feedback.

With the right mug shot, the right information (honestly and carefully displayed) and the right attitude, you will be ready to meet others who are interested in what you are interested in: someone to spend time with, both as offline to find. And perhaps someone silence of the lambs with 301st for the first time to see.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Online dating rules to live: it is never personal

How would your digital rejection survive intact?

This headline seems ridiculous, right? I mean, what is complete, horrendous dating if not extremely, desperate personal? How do you to search for a person who all feel your heart without getting at least a little personal makes?

It seems online strange but when it comes to looking for love, need to remind you that it is not about Sie--at least not for a while. Most of us, have immersed that even a foot in the warm water of online dating have felt at certain times, that perhaps, that we are simply made for computer-based romance. We are not enough photogenic or we just can be; not written Our icebreakers keep getting rejected, and our winks are never returned.

If you happen to be one of the thousands, the success is not on the dating sites, you should definitely take some pictures that show your good side fine-tuning your profile and a friend. But once you have done that, you have to remember that your digital dry spell is probably temporary. If you one of the many dating sites attempts will know that happiness tends to ebb and flow as the Member pool. But most importantly, if someone flakes out on you or makes it clear that they do not share you your feelings of attraction, you have to take it personally.

The truth is, you may know why the girl is not interested in. I thought you might have a Boxer and she hates dogs. Perhaps it is intimidated by your intellectual skills and professional success. Or maybe she just met someone and want to see where it goes. No matter what has ultimately very little to do with you. And while we all tried to decide that it our massive forehead and clown-like ears, that scenario is rather, that she had something else happens... or they simply not your kind anyway.