Tuesday 27 September 2011

8 first date ideas for outdoorsy types

If you looking for something a bit more original than the typical "Dinner and cinema," more power to you. As a woman I can tell you that boys get big brownie points for coming up with and creative planning meetings that prove that more than a newspaper has been opened. If your wife loves communing with nature, are here are some ideas for your first rendezvous that appeal to their casual clothing page and make sure that you get a second date.

Trails - the great mystery about hiking, which says no one, is that it really only by a different name foot. Find a shady way in the neck of the Woods and charge them with for the ride. The landscape will provide a welcome distraction, while learning two each other. 

Rock climbing - one of my all-time requires favorite events, this one a plan, such as the two of you need to take an intro class, if you do not experienced mountaineers. However, there are many gyms to offer the affordable introductions, and generally you will receive your own teacher. Develop trust from backup each other, then you meet your post-climbing appetite through access to eat something. 

A picnic in the Park - a classic first-date tour, is it hard to go wrong with a blanket, a picnic basket and some home-made treats. Make your thoughtfulness shine through you, then seal the deal with PB & j.riding - risk of over-generalizing, women love horses. Whether it angle the "White Knight" or just the excitement of the session on an animal several times your size, riding lessons or even a tour à la Cheval, will the romance factor of each excursion above. 

Kayaking - for those who happily enough life close to a body of water, why not a kayak rent (Yes, only men... one,) (You do paddling) and float around? While swimming probably a little much is (it would be almost naked probably would rather not for the first time, that the two of them depend on that), the water is ideal for Sparks, see below.

A daredevil skydiving – you have in your hands, you create by jumping from a plane accompanied by a lifelong bond. Not for the faint of heart, it is an incredible rush - and the thrill of touching back down on the Earth is sure to bring you two together closer sweet, solid.

Ride bikes - looking for something a little tamer? Area of the city on two wheels. If you're serious about advertising this one, you should also a tandem bicycle for rent. There is a risk, and may be a little cheesy side, but it's hard to deny the appeal of "a bicycle built for two".

Camping - it could be a stretch for a first date, but if you really jonesing for an outdoor adventure, throw a tent in the truck and wipe your way to a secluded place. Advantages: No TV, menu-review or snotty waiter, you distract. Disadvantages: Bears!

Friday 16 September 2011

Where do you stand on love and money?

What kind of money-savvy do you look for in a significant other? If you're baffled by the question, it's time to get wise. In tough economic times like these (heck, in any times at all), money and how the person you might want to eventually marry handles, thinks about and spends their greenbacks can have a massive impact on your would-be relationship (not to mention whether your future kids go to college or work at Burger King).

Most dating sites take you through the in's and out's, asking you practically everything about the kind of person you'd like to be with. What do they look like? Where do they hang out? What size shoe do they wear? You're grilled about everything except how they manage finances, who they go to for advice about monetary setbacks, and what they'd be willing to give up if they lost their only source of income.

But Perfectmatch is different. The site's Love & Money Assessment lets you evaluate your financial compatibility with your matches, addressing this crucial (but often taboo) subject before the ball gets rolling. Integrated into the Duet Total Compatibility System, these 7 questions ask about your financial habits and values to help you determine the ideal economic profile for your potential mates.

Are you searching for a saver or desperate for someone who's willing to shell out for spontaneity? Find out how you stack up financially, and save now with our Perfectmatch.com discount!

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Long Distance Romance: Staying Close Across the Miles

You decided to go for it.  You and your significant other have examined your relationship and determined that, however challenging it may be, what you have is worth hanging on to, regardless of physical distance.  Congratulations!  It’s a big deal to find a relationship that means so much!

Even so, you know perfectly well that there will be challenges.  You may even be a little worried about maintaining that special connection that keeps your relationship solid when you’re face-to-face.  With a little creativity and a little time, you and your sweetheart are bound to develop some long-distance rituals of your own.  In the meantime, here are a few ideas to get you started:

The Virtual Ritual

A long-term relationship is made up of hundreds of those little rituals you develop with your partner.  Thanks to modern technology, you can still share some of those rituals regardless of distance.  Keep having lunch together through Skype.  Bring your phone along and chat through the evening walk you used to share.  If you’re in different time zones, record that show you both love so you can watch it “together” when it comes on in your sweetheart’s city.  By maintaining a few rituals, you not only continue to bond through them, you also reassure yourself and your partner that you’re still united, never mind the miles.

Give A Little Love Every Day

Writing a love letter or sending a gift every day might not be practical.  But here’s a way to deliver your most heartfelt sentiments to the one you miss every day.  For each day that you’ll be separated, write down something you love about her or a quote that makes you think of him.  Fold them up, put them in a box, and tell your partner to read one every day at the time she most needs your love and encouragement.  It’s a great way to still be there when you can’t physically be there.

Play Online

A little friendly competition is good for a relationship.  Help nurture the playful side of your relationship by challenging your partner to an online game, like chess or scrabble or whatever your style may be.

Sit Under The Stars

Unless your significant other is on the other side of the world, you can always draw comfort from the knowledge that—no matter how far away he may be—you’re still under the same moon and the same stars.  A sappy sentiment, but reassuring nonetheless.  Celebrate this little commonality by sharing a moonlit picnic over the phone.

Share The Small Things

What makes serious relationships so meaningful is that you share nearly everything.  No hears more of the details of your day than your significant other, and probably no one else is as good as she is at deciphering the cryptic texts you send about your boss during business meetings.  When distance separates you, resist the instinct to broaden your communication.  Yes, some details may have to fall by the wayside, but don’t forget to send a text about the weird duffle-bag guy in the subway or to give your full review of your new coworker’s nose-blowing ritual the next time you’re on the phone with your partner.  It’s the little details that keep you both mindful that this relationship is special.

Send Your Scent

You don’t have to spray your letters with perfume if that’s a little too clichéd for you.  But do be aware of how powerful a familiar scent can be.  When you and your sweetheart part ways, make sure she has an article of clothing or a blanket or something that would carry your scent.  It’s a wonderful, wordless way to keep the connection.  Fragrances have a way of conjuring up vivid memories and emotions in ways that nothing else can.

Nothing beats real face time, and you’d never be able to fool yourselves into believing that this time apart is no different than your moments together.  But there’s no need for all-out wallowing.  You can still nurture your love from across the miles if you keep in mind the things that make your relationship so wonderful.  Romance is all about finding creative ways to celebrate your bond.  Consider this an opportunity to expand your repertoire.